
Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Silabus pre class









* Mengenal dan memahami Causative verbs

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

22 x 

* Use the correct verb form


* bi phrase

* Bisa membedakan fungsi Gerund dan Pr.Pcp

* Modern English


* Error Identification


* participle phrase

* Mengenal dan memahami General Preposition

* Practical English Usage


* Determining Phrase, Sentence or Sub Clause


* exclamatory phrase

* Mengenal pola variasi Gerund dan to inf

* A practical English Grammar


* Identify The Part of Speech



* Mengenal Expletive it

* Guide to patterns





* Mengenal dan memahami Causative verbs

* Living English Structure





* Mampu membedakan jenis*jenis CTV bi, to inf, dan ps.pcp

* Grammar in use





   baik yang causative maupun non*causative






* Memahami masing*masing kelas kata dari Verb Form





* Mengenal dan memahami pola variasi kalimat Imperative

* Idem

8 x 

* Error Identification


* Sentence

* Mengenal kalimat Exclamative

* Cliffs


* Multiple Choice


 * By Structure

* Mengenal dan memahami Ellipsis of deleting:

* Barron's


* Identify The Part of Speech


 * By The Number of full predications

 * Substitution

* Nelson


* Use the correct verb form


 * By Element

 * The Same Part

* Nancy




 * Ellipsis 

 * The Clear Part 





 * Inversi 

* Mengenal Pola Inversi






* Mengenal Redundancy





* Clause

* Memahami pola variasi AVC of Time

* Idem

15 x 

* Filling Connectors


 * Kind 

* Memahami Ellipsis of Abridgement



* Error Identification


  * AVC of Time

* Mengenal dan memahami Dangling Structure



* Multiple Choice


   * Ellipsis of Abridgement

* Memahami perubahan dari DS * IS, yaitu perubahan:



* Identify The Part of Speech


  * Noun Clause

 * Tenses



* Use the correct verb form


   * Direct * Indirect Speech

 * Pronoun 



* Determine the kind of Sub Clause


    * Connectors of NC

 * Adverb 



* Determining Phrase, Sentence or Sub Clause


    * Ellipsis of Omitting Connector

* Mampu menganalisa karakter Connectors of NC






* Mengenal dan memahami jenis*jenis NC






* Mengenal dan memahami Ellipsis of Omitting Connector






* Mampu mengenal, memahami dan membedakan karakter Quetion Word dalam kalimat




Part Of Speech

* Mengenal makna Modal

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

9 x 

* Use the correct verb form


* Verb

* Mengenal dan memahami fungsi Modal

* Practical English Usage


* Error Identification


 * Modal In Function

* Mengenal dan memahami pattern of Modal

* A practical English Grammar


* Multiple Choice




* Living English Structure




* Noun

* Mengenal, memahami, dan membedakan makna Quantifier

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

1 x 

* Choose the correct Quantifier


 * Meaning of Quantifier

* Mengenal dan memahami bentuk*bentuk dari Other



* Choose the correct word


 * Forms of Other 






* Pronoun

* Mengenal dan memahami jenis*jenis Pronoun dan Fungsinya

* Modern English

4 x 

* Error Identification


 * Kind 




* Multiple Choice


 * Function






* Adjective

* Mengenal dan memahami jenis*jenis Adjective dan fungsinya

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

6 x 

* Fill the Blank


 * Kind 

* Memahami fungsi Numeral

* Modern English


* Error Identification


 * Function

* Memahami Quantifier Noun Agreement

* Cliffs




 * QNA 

* Memahami Subject Verb Agreement

* Longman




 * SVA 


* Nelson






* Cambridge






* Barron's






* Nancy




* Adverb

* Mengenal dan memahami jenis*jenis Adverb berdasarkan makna dan fungsinya

* Modern English

1 x 

* Multiple Choice


 * Kind 




* Error Identification


  * by meaning






  * by function






* Conjunction

* Mengenal dan memahami Transitions baik secara position dan punctuation juga korelasi dengan Coordinate Conjunction

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

1 x 

* Multiple Choice




* Modern English


* Error Identification


  * Transitions






* Preposition






* Interjection





Question Tag

* Mengenal dan memahami pola dan asal kalimat dari Question Tag

* Understanding & Using English Grammar

1 x 

* Make Question Tag




* Grammar in use





silabus mid class

·         The function of verb form
·         Kinds
Ø  Pr*pcp
Ø  Ps*pcp
Ø  Bi
Ø  To inf
Ø  gerund
·  function

·      Memahami kelas kata dan fungsi VF
·      Mengenal dan memahami pr*pcp as complement, pre dan post modifier, dan as adv m of adj dan after certain
·      Mengembangkan fungsi ps*pcp as complement, pre dan post modifier
·      Mengembangkan fungsi to inf as app, object after it
·      Mengenal dan memahami fungsi to inf dalam tenses
·      Mengembangkan fungsi subjectfull to inf
·      Mengembangkan fungsi gerund as app, pre*modifier dan head
·      Mengenal dan memahami fungsi gerund dalm tenses
·      Mengenal danmengembangkan kelas kata gerund

·         Modern English
·         Understanding And using english grammar
·         Pratical english usage
·         A pratical english grammar
·         Grammar in use
·         A university of english grammar
·         Guide to pattern and usage in english
·         Living english structure
·         Let’s write
24  X
·         Use the correct VF
·         Identify the POS
·         Error identification
·         Multiple choice
·    Sentences and clauses
·    Complex sent
·  Komponent
·    Functional case
Ø  Noun cluse
    K ind
Ø  Adjective clause
Ø  Adverbial clause
·    Distinguishing sub clause as cs dan post*m
·    Distinguishing that clause
·    Detail Noun clause
·    Conditional sent
·    Ncs aftr wish dan preference
·    Alternate structure

·    General ellipsis
·    Ellipsis of AVC
Ø  AVC of time
Ø  AVC of purpose
·    Ellipsis of NC
·    Ellipsi of AC

·      Mengenalkan pola2 ellipsis besrta namax
·      Mengenalkan komponent dri compex sent
·      Mngenalkn NCR
·      Mngenal dan memahami jenis AC RPS, RPO,Radj, RA
·      Memahami cra pembentukan AC
·      Mengenalkan dan memahami jenis2 dan fungsi dri AVC sekaligus meaning dri msing2 conn

·      Membedakan subclause as cs dan post* m
·      Membedakan dan memahami that clause NC, AC, dan AVC
·      Mengenal dan memahami detail fungsi dri NC
·      Membedakn antara NCQ dan NCE, NCS dan NCR secara pola

·      Mengenal dan memahmi subjunctive dan indicative mood
·      Mengembangkan tenses dalm conditional sent
·      Mengenal dan memahami mixed cond
·      Mengenal dan memahami NCS after wish dan preference
·      Mengenal  dan memahami variasi penulisan dri NCS dan NCR

·      Memhami aturan dri msing2 ellipsis
·      Memahmi hsil ellipsis
·      Memperkuat elipsis time clause sebelumx
·      Memahami conn yg di gunakan dri setiap ellipsis
·      Mengenal dan memehami elipsis of AVC purpose
·      Memahami persyaratan ellipsis AVC of purpose
·      Mengenal metode elipsis NCq dan NCS
·      Memahami persyaratan ellipsis NC
·      Mengenal metode elipsis of AC
·      Memahami persyratan ellipsis of AC
·      Memhami hsil ellipsis dri msing2 ellipsis

·         Modern English
·         Understanding And using english grammar
·         Pratical english usage
·         A pratical english grammar
·         Grammar in use
·         A university of english grammar
·         Guide to pattern and usage in english
·         Living english structure
·         Let’s write

·         Modern English
·         Understanding And using english grammar
·         Pratical english usage
·         A pratical english grammar
·         Grammar in use
·         A university of english grammar
·         Guide to pattern and usage in english
·         Living english structure
·         Let’s write
24 X
·         Use the correct VF
·         Identify the POS
·         Error identification
·         Multiple choice
·         Filling connector
·         Identify subcluse
·         Make ellipsis
·    Noun phrase
Ø Word order
Ø  post*m
·      AC
·      Noun
·      Adj
·      Adv
Ø  Determiner
·    Pre det
·    The det
·    Post det
Ø  Pre*m
·    Qualifier
·    Ephitet
·    Classifier

·    AVC of comparison
·    Comp
Ø  Verb
Ø  Noun
Ø  Adj
Ø  Adv
·    Variation
Ø  Estimation
Ø  Double comp
·    General double comp
·    Gradual double comp

·         Memahami pola dr noun phrase
·         Mengenal dan memahami jenis AC brdasarkan essential case dan punctuationnya,
·         Memahami noun brdasarkan esential case dan punctuationnya
·         Mengenal dan memahami single adj as post*m,dngan H brpa noun time dan space
·         Mengenal dan memahami post*m brupa avc of result, comparison, reason
·         Mengenal dan memahami pre det, the det, post det
·         Mngenal dan memahami post*m, qualifier, ephitet,dan classifier
·         Mengetahui dan mengenal penyusuna noun phrase

·         Mngenal dan memahami cara membandikan verb, noun, adj, dan adv
·         Mngenal dan memahami aturan perbandingan verb, noun, adj, dan adv
·         Mngenal dan memahami pembentukan adj dan adv dlm comparative dan suprlative form
·         Mengenal dan memahami pola ellipsis dan inversi pda AVC of comparison
·         Mengenal dan memahami variasi penulisan dri AVC of comparison
·         Modern English
·         Understanding And using english grammar
·         Pratical english usage
·         A pratical english grammar
·         Grammar in use
·         A university of english grammar
·         Guide to pattern and usage in english
·         Living english structure
·         Let’s write

·         Modern English
·         Understanding And using english grammar
·         Pratical english usage
·         A pratical english grammar
·         Grammar in use
·         A university of english grammar
·         Guide to pattern and usage in english
·         Living english structure
·         Let’s write

12 X

6 X

·         Identify the POS
·         Error identification
·         Multiple choice
·         Identify subcluse

·         Identify the POS
·         Error identification
·         Multiple choice
·         Identify subcluse
·         Make ellipsis
·         Make a comparison

silabus pre grammar

Language Prolog
*          Frase
*          Membedakan frase Np, Ap, Avp, Pp, Vp, Gp, Ip.
*          Pengembangan dan penambahan variasi pola frase.
*          Pengenalan fungsi, karakter & kelas kata dari gerund & Infinitive
*          Modern Engglish
*          Understanding and using English grammar
*          Practical English usage
*          A practical English grammar
*          University
*          Grammar in use
*          Guide to patterns and usage
*          oxford
13 X
*          SSP
*          Use the correct Vf
*          Error identification
*          Identify POS
*          Choose the correct word
*          Verb
*          Funcnt
*          Sematic case
*          Complement case
*          D.C
*          Tenses in funct
*          Two event concept & conditional sentence
*          Mengenal jenis – jenis modal & aturan penggunaanya
*          Memahami jenis – jenis Stative & dynamic verb
*          Mengenal & memahami funct tenses
*          Memahami konsep 2 kejadian & conditional sentence
*          IDEM
*          Living English structure
16 X
*          Use the correct Vf
*          Error identification
*          Noun
*          Funct
*          Quantifier
*          Mampu memahami funct Noun
*          Mampu memahami funct quantifier beserta variasinya
*          IDEM
3 X
*          Choose the correct quantifier
*          SVA
*          Adjective
*          Funct
*          Mampu memahami funct adjective
*          IDEM
1/3 X
*          Choose the correct word
*          Error identification
*          Adverb
*          Funct
*          Kind
*          Mengenali jenis – jenis adv berdasarkan makna
*          Memahami funct adv
*          IDEM
1 X
*          Multiple choice
*          Identify POS
*          Conjuction
*          Funct
*          Kinds
*          Ellipsis
*          Inverse
*          Mengenal funct & jenis – jenis conj.
*          IDEM
4 X
*          Preposition
*          Funct
*          Kinds
*          Form 
*          Mengenal funct & bentuk prep
*          Mengenal free & bound prep
*          IDEM
1 X
*          Pronoun
*          Funct
*          Memahami funct pron
*          IDEM
1 X
*          Put the correct pron
*          Interjection
*          Kinds
*          Memahami interjection
*          Modern english
1 X
*          Clause
*          Kinds
*          MC
*          SC
*          Mengenal & memahami jenis – jenis SC & fungsinya
*          Modern English
*          University
3 X
*          The kind of SC
*          SSP
*          Sentence classification
*          By element
*          By the number of full predication
*          By structure IQ
*          Memahami element kalimat
*          Memahami kalimat berdasarkan klasifikasinya
*          Mampu menganalisa kosakata & karakter QW
*          Mampu membuat IQ dengan menggunakan QW yang tepat.
*          Understanding & Using
*          Basic & fundamental English grammar
*          Practical English usage
14 X
*          Make question
*          Identify POS
*          Filling QW
*          Choose the correct QW
*          Multiple choice
*          Error identification

